Thunder Mobility

Home case_study Thunder Mobility

Thunder Mobility, a leading provider of electric mobility solutions such as scooters and power chairs, faced challenges with their existing online store. As their customer base and product range expanded, their old website struggled to manage the increased traffic and growing inventory, leading to performance issues and customer frustration. Recognizing the need for a more robust solution, Thunder Mobility reached out to IT Castle. They sought a new ecommerce platform that could handle higher traffic volumes, offer a seamless shopping experience, and efficiently manage their extensive product catalog. IT Castle responded by developing a state-of-the-art ecommerce platform using Magento 2. This upgrade aimed to enhance site performance, improve user experience, and ensure the website could scale with Thunder Mobility’s growth. By leveraging Magento 2’s powerful features, IT Castle was set to deliver a solution that would meet the demands of a modern online marketplace for electric mobility solutions.

Client Background

Thunder Mobility provides products that help people with mobility challenges live more independently. They offer a range of items, from electric scooters to power chairs. As their product selection and customer base grew, their outdated website could no longer meet their needs, so it was time for an upgrade.

The Challenge

Thunder Mobility’s old ecommerce platform faced several issues as their business expanded:

  • Scalability: The site was slow during peak times and couldn’t handle more products or visitors.
  • User Experience: The website was hard to use, making it frustrating for customers to navigate and complete purchases.
  • Inventory Management: Without real-time updates, they often oversold products or ran out of stock without noticing.
  • Mobile Optimization: The site wasn’t designed for mobile users, despite growing mobile traffic.
  • Security: With more online transactions, protecting customer data was crucial.

The Solution

To fix these problems, IT Castle created a new ecommerce platform for Thunder Mobility using Magento 2:

  • Built a Scalable Platform: Designed the site to handle more products and visitors smoothly.
  • Improved User Interface: Made the site easier to navigate with a modern design for a better shopping experience.
  • Real-Time Inventory Updates: Added real-time inventory management to keep stock levels accurate and avoid overselling.
  • Responsive Design: Created a mobile-friendly site that works well on all devices, from phones to desktops.
  • Enhanced Security: Implemented strong security features to keep customer data safe.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Added various payment options for more flexibility.
  • SEO Optimization: Improved search engine ranking to attract more visitors.
  • Customer Account Features: Included features like order tracking and saved favorites for easier management.
  • Training and Support: Provided training and ongoing support to help Thunder Mobility manage the new platform.

The Results

The new ecommerce platform brought great results for Thunder Mobility:

  • Increased Sales: Sales jumped by 25% within three months, thanks to better user experience and mobile optimization.
  • Better Customer Experience: The redesigned site made it easier for customers to find and buy products, leading to more satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Efficient Inventory Management: Real-time updates helped manage stock better and reduced overselling issues.
  • More Mobile Traffic: The mobile-friendly design attracted more visitors from smartphones and tablets, boosting sales.
  • Enhanced Security: Improved security features helped build trust with customers by keeping their data safe.
  • Higher Search Engine Rankings: SEO improvements led to better search rankings and increased site traffic.
  • Streamlined Operations: The new platform made it simpler for Thunder Mobility’s team to manage products, orders, and customer data.
  • Room for Growth: The scalable design means the website can easily expand as the business grows, without needing another major update.